I was broken by you

I lie here Pain-filled, screaming at the empty desolation of a broken life Unable to move Unable to think Unable to do almost anything Except hope or despair Tortured without end by every simple thing Just consider this When you walked about your comfortable lives doing your everyday normal things Ignoring that I existed I was broken by you When you wore your putrid perfume, infiltrating my space again and again - harming my body I was broken by you When you said, for God-knows-how many times, hope all is well - how could it ever be I was broken by you When you never asked about my reality - left me weeping in total isolation I was broken by you When you ignored my indescribable moment-by moment suffering - for 27 years I was broken by you When you pretended to know what would help me- then effectively pushed me off a cliff into utter torment with no way back I was broken by you When you arrogantly wrote lies about me- then refused to withdraw th...