Being affirmed makes such a difference when you live in an invisible, tortured world that no one understands or seems to care about or notice. Living in total isolation and separation can leave you feeling unconsidered, less than real, invisible, uncared for, unrecognised, unknown, belittled, less than human even. The need to be seen for who you are and what you have experienced and heard is massive. Affirmation means to give your fullest attention to the other. It means to watch for non-verbal cues as well as the words someone is speaking. It means to convey both by your posture and look, that you really care what the other person is saying. Even if you do not speak a word, you can still convey empathy for the person and what they are sharing, even if that content is painful, unresolvable or distressing. You must be very aware of your own posture, your body-language and the messages you are conveying non-verbally. Sometimes words, opinions, positive ...