My BJN article : a long journey

Five years ago I  published an article on Severe  ME in the Nursing Standard. I think that one got under the radar, because  it's taken me five years to get another nursing article on ME published.

Typically I submit an article , ALWAYS get accepted, then go  through the Peer review process , over and over again, arguing about incredible  things like the "Mars bar theory of ME : work, rest and play" for months ,   then the article is pulled with no  good reason ever being  given.

All I know is that I had to resign  from the Royal College of Nursing Special Interest group on ME, because I could not bear another minute of their overwhelmingly pro-psychiatric stance on ME . The nursing profession here in the UK, to my shame as a nurse, seems to be dominated , tied -up tight as a drum, by the psyches.

So last night I opened a bottle of fizz to celebrate getting published this week in the British Journal of Nursing, all credit to this supremely professional and enlightened journal : for a nurse there is no better achievement, for an ME activist it is a testament to the power of never  giving up, and for the ME (UK)  nursing community,  it is a stark plea : please wake up !


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