Breakthrough Prayer Circle Saturday Oct 30 9pm BST

We continue to pray for a biomedical breakthrough for ME. We pray for truth and integrity, that this constant watering down of the reality of ME as just a fatigue condition be ended. We pray for all people participating in  the struggle for truth and justice, for the right to be treated bioedmedically and the underlying disease understood.

We pray  for clarity and understanding regarding the XMRV virus and any connection with ME. Furthermore we ask that the blood ban that comes into force on Nov 1st, in the UK be acknowledged for what it is and that the potential risk to the public be acknowledged .

This is our Prayer for this evening along with the Breakthrough Prayer

Lord, we hold all the hurt of the world before you
we hold all those who suffer
all those who are lost and lonely
all the bereaved
all the helpless
all the hopeless
all the sick
all the dying
all the confused
all the fearful
and all the desperate,
we hold them all before you
and ask for signs and wonders to fill their lives
with new hope


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