Breakthrough Prayer Circle 9pm BST Nov 6th

Breakthrough Prayer Circle 9pm BST  Nov 6th 2010

I float
in a sea of
I feel less than real
I know less than before
I am physically limited
yet limitless
I am immersed in God
I flow with Him
He saves me
from nothingness
I am complete in Him
He holds me
and I am someone
He loves me
and I am alight with love
He heals me
and I am at peace.

Linda Crowhurst

A Prayer for this evening :

We thank you for this time
to come together in prayer
May we find healing today
and hope for the future
Lord may the power of the Spirit
uplift and inspire us all
may it change hearts and minds
and bring radical change
to the current  oppression 
of people  with  ME.

We add this prayer to the Breakthrough Prayer , it is so important that we keep asking, keep hoping, keep praying that change will come and soon. Every time we pray we link to Love and it is this love that will transform all and it is because of this love that we know our prayers are heard and perfectly answered.

If you can, do join us at 9pm.


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