Breakthrough Prayer Midnight 24th December 2010

May you find Peace, Healing 
and Hope this Christmas.
May we all experience
miracles as the coming
year unfolds.

Today we celebrate the Truth of God's Love - that Jesus Christ, the Light of the World has come into the world and dwells among us. This Light is pure radiance and shines its perfect beauty all aorund.

It is the Light of Mercy, the Light of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, the Light of Discernment, the Light of Justice. It brings the gift of Healing, the gift of Hope, the gift of Consolation, the gift of Love to us.

The Light is never more needed than now in the lives of people with ME for there is so much disinformation and untruth spread around the true disease that people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis have.

There is so much medical neglect. There is so much injustice surrounding people with ME : a genuine neurological disease, dismissed as a psychological condition.

 As we approach midnight , the holiest time of the year, signaling the birth of Christ and the Redemption of the world, we hold the needs of all people with serious disease, especially the most severely affected and their carers and loved ones in the pure radiance of Christ's Light.

We lift ourselves and everyone who is suffering into the centre of this bright Light as we pray for Truth and Justice, for Hope and Comfort, for a genuine change in attitude of the medical establishment, for the truth of XMRV to be revealed, for proper biomedical research to be done on patients who genuinely have ME and we pray that the biopsychosocial approach be truly discredited and a biomedical approach be acknowledged and created, using the available knowledge that is currently available, as a starting point.

We pray for strength and courage for all people who are genuinely fighting to raise awareness of the truth of this devastating illness.

We pray for genuine healing and Hope to be poured out upon us. We ask this in trust knowing God's Mercy is real and He hears our prayers.

We give thanks for the Child born in the manger. we give thanks that Love has come among us and that evil can no longer hold sway on the world.

 The Light of the World is here. we ask that our prayers be answered. Praise God indeed. Amen.

 We pray the Breakthrough Prayer and light a candle at midnight to signify that Jesus christ has come into the world.

 At this holy moment we pray for miracles in the lives of people with ME.

We hold in prayer all those who are suffering, all who are isolated, all who are struggling to cope with the cold weather and the problems it brings, all who are grieving and all who are dying. We hold them all the the light of the candle. We hold them all in the Heart of our Prayer. Amen.

  in all things
        I trust in you

when fear
   overwhelms me
        I turn to you

when doubt
   assails me
        I turn to you

when Peace
   is lost
        I turn to you

when anxieties
   mob me
        I turn to you

when pain
   oppresses  me
        I turn to you

when worries
   betray me
        I turn to you

   in all things
        I am held by You

(Please see the new Stonebird Breakthrough Prayer Page)


  1. If your prayer team could kindly keep my family in prayer. I.E. Issues with stablizing housing. heavy debts, and constant lack. My family needs prayers from those who believe strongly in the power of prayer. please also pray for my brother who recently got out of jail.

  2. Just to let you know we are about to pray for . We take you prayer request very seriously and we are holding you in prayer :


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