A sea of compromise
We're all swimming in a sea of compromise, called " chronic fatigue syndrome" and floundering right in the middle of it are the most Severely Affected; it's a right mess.
I am stirred by the recent comments on our post "Where are the Strong Voices ?" to speak out.
After all this time I am no longer interested in ME politics. Of course I care that people are suffering. but my concern, my focus , everything is upon my wife's hideous daily experience and I am fighting the fight of my life for her.
What label to use ? It couldn't be simpler for the Severely Affected : "ME"; all else, including the much-needed insurgency, follows. If you haven't got the neurological symptoms, then you just don't have it.
Nobody sees the people who are most ill, nobody hears from them. The ones who have the most severe neurological symptoms are invisible; while there are many wrongly diagnosed people who think they have ME . It is not helping.
Thank God for Natalie Bolton's forthcoming film : "Voices from the Shadows." It has shaken me to the core; I am shaken still by it. If anything has the power to make the difference, it is this footage of unadulterated torture .
There really is a vast difference in the experience of the Severely Affected sufferer who is extremely incapaciatated all the time and that of someone who is tired all the time.
Whoever heard of a disease where the most Severely Affected are offered nothing and the less Severely Affected are poorly defined by an ambiguous diagnosis that makes it impossible to say who has ME ?
I am stirred by the recent comments on our post "Where are the Strong Voices ?" to speak out.
After all this time I am no longer interested in ME politics. Of course I care that people are suffering. but my concern, my focus , everything is upon my wife's hideous daily experience and I am fighting the fight of my life for her.
What label to use ? It couldn't be simpler for the Severely Affected : "ME"; all else, including the much-needed insurgency, follows. If you haven't got the neurological symptoms, then you just don't have it.
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