A Spiteful and Vindictive Agenda

Will Hutton in today's Observer :http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/26/will-hutton-media-unfair-reporting?commentpage=last#end-of-comments has written an excellent piece on how a "spiteful vindictive" agenda is dominating our media- he talks for example about the " vilification of disabled people during the pursuit of welfare scroungers".

Anyway I was moved to make the response below :
Years of caring full time for my chronically ill and disabled wife, who receives no treatment whatsoever for her neurological disease : Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) , have given me such  profound insights  into who wields the  real power in the UK.

The fact that a small school of UK psychiatrists can so dominate the media , to the extent that NICE, GPs ,  Neurologists , the public, the Royal Colleges, the Medical Research Council, subscribe totally  to their hideously wrong ideology, based on nothing more than personal opinion, that ME is all in the mind, is testament to the control that corporations, in particular the Medical Insurance Industry,  now exercises over Government.

Martin Walker's new book : Dirty Medicine, the Handbook, makes depressing reading for someone in my position, struggling to cope with my wife's never-ending pain and raging symptoms which have never eased up for a single moment, not once  in these last 18 years. The course of her disease has exactly coincided with the rise of  those corporate science -backed "quack busters" : Sense About Science and the Science Media Centre.

The galling lies and nonsense these front organizations  propagate about ME,
the lengths they go to attack and destroy anyone who tries to make a biomedical breakthrough, their almost total hold over the press, the articles they continually publish, especially in the BMJ- there is a particularly vicious one this week, makes it almost inevitable that we will have to struggle without treatment or hope of a cure - because the only "official" research is psychiatric, for another two decades.

Our only hope is that  truth cannot be suppressed for ever  and one day the UK will come to senses and recognize ME , five times bigger than AIDS, for the epidemic, killer disease that it is - and do the biomedical research that is so urgent.

In the meantime how many more lives will be wasted, will be lost  ? Like the Bankers, Science  is busy destroying society; all   in the interests of their corporate masters.


  1. Brillant very well done Greg very well said.

  2. I agree, very well said Greg. I also thought's Linda's response to the dreadful Hawke's article in BMJ was excellent.


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