October 8th 2011 The tenth anniversary of The Breakthrough Prayer We celebrate with a poem from Theresa : The child within you Sweep your house clean, each moment, Especially when night falls… For will your house be there tomorrow? We know not the time or hour… Anger held tight; furious fists Drive finger roots and nails Through the body, mind And spirit map, binding it in. Surrender to God’s Holy Spirit, Embrace the ocean and without fear And arms outstretched be carried through The water to the salty depths And give it ALL to HIM. Who waits, within, without, longing Through your grief, hidden, Calloused by time, down the long Lonely years of repression To set the CHILD in you FREE On bedroom carpet make your desert, Where stars touching heaven, spill out In startling clarity into the ubiquitous hush Of His Presence… Where each breath and tear and smile is heard ‘Ask and it will be given you Seek and you will find Knock and the door will be opened’ A guarantee from Him Who...