100 things you cannot do with Very Severe ME

1 You cannot think clearly, concisely or at all.

2 You cannot deal simply easily or specifically with questions.
3 You cannot always speak.
4 You cannot coordinate sight, mind and action.
5 You cannot bear sound.
6 You cannot bear ordinary light.
7 You cannot bear physical contact.
8 You cannot chat or have a simple easy conversation with anyone in person or on the phone.
9 You cannot hold implements or carry things.
10 You cannot swallow reliably or safely.
11 You cannot eat a full range of ordinary foods, but have to follow bizarre or restricted diets and you certainly cannot eat your favourite food.
12 You cannot eat with a knife and fork or necessarily feed yourself at all.
13 You cannot eat at normal meal times.
14 You cannot sleep at normal times.
15 You cannot move at whim.
16 You cannot get to the toilet when you need to go.
17 You cannot brush your hair or bear to have it brushed.
18 You cannot wash your hair regularly for months on end or see a hair dresser.
19 You cannot remember things.
20 You cannot bear background noise.
21 You cannot bear to be in the presence of other people,even those who you know and care for.
22 You cannot see the range of medical people you need to see: consultant,doctor, physiotherapist, nurse, OT, even if they are willing to visit you.
23 You cannot fill in forms.
24 You cannot hold a pen.
25 You cannot deal with instructions or information.
26 You cannot deal with incoming communication.
27 You cannot travel .
28 You cannot go on holiday.
29 You cannot predict what you can tolerate in any one moment.
30 You cannot explain your reality.
31 You cannot move when you want to.
32 You cannot ride a bike.
33 You cannot be around people in public places.
34 You cannot keep appointments.
35 You cannot comply with external demands.
36 You cannot think.
37 You cannot remember.
38 You cannot feel properly
39 You cannot have weekends away.
40 You cannot have visitors, even close friends or family.
41 You cannot go out socially anywhere: theatre, cinema, pub, club, cafe, restaurant.
42 You cannot be included in family gatherings, weddings, funerals, birthday party's.
43 You cannot attend meetings or gatherings of people at all.
44 You cannot tolerate perfume products on yourself or anyone else.
45 You cannot wash or iron your clothes.
46 You cannot clean the house.
47 You cannot even bear to use a wheelchair though you need one to move.
48 You cannot read a book or a document.
49 You cannot sort out issues that need dealing with.
50 You cannot tolerate medicine, even if you need it.
51 You cannot breathe properly.
52. You cannot tolerate medicines.
53. You cannot easily swallow pills.
54. You cannot cope with motion.
55. You cannot cope with certain colours.
55 You cannot have blood pressure taken or blood tests for the pain and hypersensitivity of your skin.
56 You cannot sit up.
57 You cannot stand.
58 You cannot climb stairs.
59 You cannot walk.
60 You cannot exercise.
61 You cannot run.
62 You cannot play games.
63 You cannot swim.
64 You cannot cartwheel.
65 You cannot dance.
66 You cannot make plans.
67 You cannot sleep normally.
68 You cannot rest.
69 You cannot relax.
70 You cannot pace yourself.
72 You cannot hold things.
73 You cannot balance properly.
74 You cannot feel your body properly.
75 You cannot sense where parts of your body are ( proprioception)
76 You cannot manage without help, but you cannot access the help you need when you need it.
77 You cannot articulate or describe the complex sensations and distressing physical reality you experience.
78 You cannot have sex.
79 You cannot wear the clothes you want.
80 You cannot listen to the radio.
81 You cannot watch TV
82 You cannot listen to music.
83 You cannot look after a pet.
84 You cannot bear the sound of anything in the room, the next room or the house or the environment, everything is too loud.
85 You cannot be normal in everyday situations.
86 You cannot deal with in /out demands that require thought and action.
87 You cannot tolerate the clock or the telephone or the fridge or the cooker or the kettle noise in your living space.
88 You cannot tolerate the smells of every day living.
89 You cannot tolerate the smell of smoke.
90 You cannot tolerate alcohol.
91 You cannot remain in normal contact with friends or family.
92 You cannot meet new people.
93 You cannot make new friends in person.
94 You cannot control your temperature.
95 You cannot control your weight.
96 You cannot do your teeth when you need to.
97 You cannot go to the dentist.
98 You cannot see an optician.
99 You cannot get your health needs met.
100 You cannot get physically comfortable ever.



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