Lies of breath- bereaving brazenness

What's changed, I would like to know , since Ferenczi's , suggestion in 1921,without actually seeing a patient with Tourette syndrome , that the disease was the symbolic expression of masturbation caused by sexual repression ( Kushner 2000). What's changed since McEvedy and Beard's assertion in 1970 , again without seeing a patient, that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a case of "mass hysteria " ? What's changed since Depression was diagnosed as narcissism , rather than Limbic-cortical dysregulation ? What's changed since O bsessive Compulsive Disorder was put down to poor parenting rather than frontal-subcortical circuitry and right caudate activity ? What's changed since Schizophrenia was said to be Narcissictic escapism rather than NMDA receptor activation in the human prefrontal cortex ? What's changed since Visual hallucination was considered to be Narcissism rather than retinogeniculocalcarine tr...