NICE : a Reply Regarding my letter to Sir Andrew Dillon

Stonebird Greg Crowhurst Aug 30th 2017 On July 27, I wrote to Sir Andrew Dillon re Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. This is NICE’s reply, dated 29th August. I have added the questions I asked and made some brief comments. Thank you for contacting the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) regarding our guideline on chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy): diagnosis and management (CG53), Sir Andrew Dillon has asked the corporate communications team to respond on his behalf. I appreciate that this is an important matter for you and I have addressed of your questions in turn below. In March this year we advised you by email that we were unable to comment on how another organisation interprets our guideline and this is still the case. If the JCPMH have referred to our guideline in a different way then you would need to take this point up with them directly, NICE is unable to get involved. Comment: D...