A Picture

This is a picture of Severe ME. This is a picture of unendurable head-pain, yet still trying to find the peace within it to cope. This is a picture of physical illness. This is a picture of numb, cold hands. This is a picture of someone, who can go nowhere, do nothing, bear no noise or light, stand no touch, think no thoughts. This is a picture of endurance, of pain upon pain, upon pain, going backwards 17 years going forward to infinity, throbbing in agony, pulsing with persecution. This is a picture of isolation, of separation, of denial. This is a picture of someone who receives no medical treatment. This is a picture of someone for whom there is no hope of a cure; all the time millions of pounds are wasted on psychiatry to the neglect of biomedical truth. This is a picture of someone who is misrepresented, misinterpreted, mistreated. This is a picture of the hidden suffering of ME. This is not a picture of someone with a mental health issue. This is a...