Perrin's point found !
Perrin's point found ! Greg Crowhurst 28th February 2011 Permission to repost It was extraordinary enough being seated around a table in the Houses of Parliament with all the major ME Charities, but not nearly as incredible as listening, for the first time , to Dr Perrin speak . It was the Gibson Inquiry. I was deeply moved. This man spoke with conviction and a diving passion. I was hanging on every word he said; here at last was someone refreshingly speaking sense. This man was helping me understand, as never before, the multi-system dysfunction that is Severe ME. Later on I would come to learn much, much more about Raymond Perrin's extraordinary commitment to people with ME. This is what he said : ME " in many cases is actually a pre-viral condition with a possible virus being the last straw ." Just let that sink in. We've all read Byron Hyde, we all know how the central nervous system is profoundly involved in ME.