The silent church

A dear friend sent me a box of old books yesterday - it was explosive. A volume by Richard Wurmbrand jumped right out of the box and whacked me around the head, leaving me me reeling , it is so challenging. This Pastor , who died in 2001, spent years jailed in solitary confinement, many feet underground, with no light, sound or any stimulation- even the guards wore felt shoes. He was also subjected to many years of physical torture and intensive brain washing techniques . When this man talks about Church, I have some idea what he means. I am not impressed either by institutional religion, which I measure against Linda's almost total isolation , while living in a national centre , a candle-lit, incense infused holy place that people flock to on retreat. Richard Wurmbrand had a vision once, while in prison, where God pointed him not to Himself or to Christ broken on the Cross, but much, much lower, to the poor, the outcast, the excluded,...