55 REASONS why NICE must recommend a home visiting, biomedical service, for people with Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Stonebird People with Severe and Very Severe ME are not safe within the current health system; this is not an exhaustive list by any means : 1. It is virtually impossible for the most severely affected to travel to a clinic or a hospital. 2. It is extremely difficult to find a knowledgeable GP or consultant . 3. There is little, if any, choice of biomedical ME consultants. 4. Knowledge of how to approach or communicate with a person with Very Severe ME is minimal. 5. The system expects people to fit into it and is not very accommodating of those who cannot. 6. Hypersensitivity to touch makes physical contact unbearable, dangerous, impossible without harming the person with Severe ME. 7. Hypersensitivity to noise makes it difficult to impossible to bear the sound of the voice of the GP or consultant, let alone all the background noise and any other noise exposure. 8. The impact of noise may cause the person to be damaged and physically harmed for weeks, months, ev...