The beating of the Heart
A mystic once remarked that "True love is no game for the fainthearted and the weak; it is born of strength and understanding" ( Meher Baba); experience has taught me how true his words are. Caring, especially over decades, takes unheard-of strength and resolve; all your courage is required, daily, not to give in to despair. I am deeply struck by what Willo and Maureen wrote here about people with ME and "the beating" the heart takes", through all the horrendous issues that surround this dreadful, mainly ignored and still untreated disease. For example my wife describes her isolation as being buried down a pit, behind a glass wall, surrounded by five foot of barbed wire, unable to breath, eat anything, without it causing agony, paralysed by the slightest sound or movement. That is the context in which you, as a carer, tread so carefully. Not carefully enough though, yesterday morning I got it very wrong, my unaware greeting,"Good morning