
Showing posts from September, 2017

NICE : a reply to Sir Andrew Dillon

22nd September 2017 Dear Sir Andrew Dillon,  Thank you for your reply, dated 29 th  August. My point about the Royal Colleges is that despite my best efforts, letters to the Department of Health, to NICE, to the Royal Colleges themselves, there seems to be no formal mechanism for holding them to account. It is extremely concerning that the JCPMH have been able to wrongly inform Commissioners that ME is a mental disorder, with apparent impunity. Can you reassure me that NICE itself will not be wrongly influenced by the JCPMH report? For example, given that you deny NICE lists “  myalgic encephalomyelitis as a topic under depression and anxiety ” and given how it has confirmed, personally, to me that it does not list ME as a somatoform disorder, can you please explain why NICE mentions ME and chronic fatigue syndrome nine times in its recent draft guideline for  Suspected Neurological Conditions , almost always within the context of “ functional illness ”, with