Rules for entering into the life of a person with Severe ME
Anyone with very severe ME is extremely physically frail and has profound physical multisystem dysfunction. They can so easily be made more ill by the slightest thing. Anyone getting involved with someone with Severe ME needs to take extreme care and have incredible awareness of the impact of any contact they have, especially if that contact is in a medical or caring capacity. There are some key rules to entering into someone’s life. · Be genuine. · Be respectful. · Be equal. · Listen carefully. · Understand as much as possible of the nature of that person’s illness and disability , how it affects them and how you affect them. · Avoid arguing with them. Argument is exhausting and damaging for the person's health and well being. · Accept you do not know best, but need to learn about that person’s reality. · Realise how vulnerable they are to other people’s energy and attitudes and assumptions. ·