You know the old saying,, you spend all your life climbing the ladder, only to find it was up against the wrong wall. So, what wall is your ladder propped up against? Is it the right or wrong wall? It’s a question you may want to answer, before it’s too late. Me, I’ve spent decades of my precious time, battling for the truth of ME to be heard. I am not saying that I have wasted my time - though, when you stand back ask the question, as I have recently, was there ever any realistic chance of overturning the all-powerful psychiatric establishment, it is hard not to wonder if all this time I’ve been trying to clamber up the wrong wall. All day yesterday, I was filled with the most tremendous pride and admiration for Kara Jane Spencer, without whom, my book, Notes For Carers, to which she contributed her enthusiastic, loving support plus a great deal of absolutely superb material, would be a much lesser work, if it existed at all. Here she is, all over the BBC, doing more...