5.30 am, a glimpse of the rising sun, through a hedgerow, fills me with hope, for this new day. So how is it going to be? Inevitably it is going to be painful for my wife, constantly shot through with agony, paralysis, inability, profound , tortuous hypersensitivity , unbelievable torment. But how am I going to be within it? ...distracted, withdrawn, irritable, tired, bored, listless, unable to bring any light to the situation, do anything much at all? Or will I make all the difference today? being present, alive, interested, open, aware, gentle, warm, welcoming, willing to help, to think things through, work them out together? Will I know joy, will I experience togetherness, partnership, miracles, will today be wonderful , despite the atrocious suffering - in the moments in between, even if just in glimpses, even if just for a second or two ? Here, in the beauty of dawn's first light, I know how much is down to me - to how I will choose to be today. "Be the Change You Want To See in the world", the late, great Stephen Covey once wrote : Isn't that the truth? Being with Linda has taught me this, over and over again: that if I want the day to shine, I must shine. If I want the day to flow, I must flow, if I want the day to be loving, I must love, if I want to make a difference today, then I must be different. A brand new day. All is fresh and soaked in Spring time dew and light reborn, no wonder the bird song is so tremendous. Treasure every fleeting moment , don't waste one precious second of it, they seem to sing.


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