Why does the ME Community have to endure CG53 ?

Stonebird Greg Crowhurst It is a great concern to see a leading Consultant being quoted in the Sunday Times apparently stating that: “ Doctors are failing to diagnose ME, through neglect, ignorance or cold feet because it is controversial. There are perfectly good Nice[National Institute for Health and Care Excellence] guidelines telling every GP how to diagnose it. ” http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/uk_news/Society/article1464782.ece It is important, though, to view the Consultant's comments in context. The Sunday Times article was an exposure of the terrifying situation where families, who have a child with ME are placed under investigation by Child Protection Officers who “disagree” with their diagnosis. In that situation, the deeply flawed NICE guidelines (CG53), are probably better than nothing, nonetheless, condemned by virtually every ME organisation in the UK, they are widely considered to be not fit for purpose, for exampl...