Riding the Wave; still ( Part 1)

T here are many it seems ,still flipping their lid, over those who have insisted on using the name ME , as opposed to ME/CFS in Scotland ; their argument goes something like this : ME is not taken seriously by the medical establishment, Scottish MP's advise that their support can only realistically be maintained if both ME and CFS are acknowledged- and given the context : a heady mix of politicking baggage and "background"; this initiative is not just jerking people around, it is a "serious risk" to all that has been achieved . Indeed, on Oct 24 it was announced that the Cross Party Group now no longer exists. I imagine that, like me, those of us outside the situation find the details difficult to fully get a grip on ; what we do know is that passions are running high; it is the most extraordinary situation. You'd expect flags , bagpipes and dancing...