The Way I See Things
Stonebird Linda Crowhurst The way I see things : Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is being completely ignored. Chronic Fatigue (CF) is the focus to such an extent that there is now : no body of experience no centre of excellence no well experienced medical consultants (with rare exception) no one knowledgeable to turn to no sufficient treatment protocol available no consistent universal information informing doctors about Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, its epidemic and individual nature, its WHO classification as a neurological,disease, its inflammatory nature no one consistently exploring possible anti- viral treatment. ME is misrepresented, not investigated and certainly not medically treated, it is widely portrayed as if its underlying cause has ceased to exist,as if there is none, as if it is not a serious disease, as if it is going to resolve by itself and that we all got sick because we felt like it. ME has been buried deep within inaccurate, unhelpful,