10 GOOD REASONS why ME should not be labelled a Functional Somatic Syndrome

10 GOOD REASONS why ME should not be labelled a Functional Somatic Syndrome Stonebird As I outline in Straight-Jacketed By Empty Air, psychiatry has spent the last 30 years spreading the untruth that Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), a WHO G93.10.3 classified neurological disease, is a mental health disorder. This it has achieved by: 1.A failure to distinguish between mental health disorders and physical diseases 2.A deliberate focus on fatigue rather than system dysfunction 3.Blatant research bias 4.Suppression and deliberate exclusion of biomedical evidence 5.Asserting that ME is nothing more than an “aberrant illness belief” 6.Denying the significant symptoms and signs, especially cardiovascular, neurological and immunological 7.By assuming an influence and functioning in areas of medicine in which they have no expertise such as immunology, vascular biology and muscle pathology (cf. Hooper 2010) 8.Using the name ME but meaning something completely different by it to its orig...