The PACE TRIAL : Concerns raised by Stonebird

The PACE Trial : these concerns were raised by Stonebird in 2013. 1. It did not study people with ME : the PACE Trial studied: “CFS defined simply as a principal complaint of fatigue that is disabling, having lasted six months, with no alternative medical explanation (Oxford criteria)”.… . 2. It wrote its own version of the London Criteria , so that they are virtually identical to the Oxford Criteria. 3. It implied that it was studying people with ME. The PACE Trial Identifier is clear: “Myalgic encephalomyelitis is thought by most to be synonymous with CFS” (PACE Trial Identifier; 2.1).… 4. It recruited a high number of participants who suffered from a psychological disorder.…/the-pace-trial-do-you-also-get-so-tire… 5. It made sure that the majority of participants have exceptionally high expectations of CBT and GET. ...