It just would not be so...

My life Is a living torment I wish it were not so I wish I could say That everything I had tried to do to get well had helped me But it would not be true I wish I could say That every one who tried to help me had done so But it would not be true I wish I could say that everyone I trusted had been worthy of it But it would not be so I wish I could say I had not been betrayed But it would not be so I wish I could say I had not been let down But it would not be so I wish I could say I had not been mistreated But it would not be so I wish I could say I had not been misrepresented But it would not be so I wish I could say I had not been ignored But it would not be so I wish I could say that I feel safe But it would not be so I wish I could say that all the myriad things we have done to raise genuine awareness of ME had been effective But it would not be so I wish I could say that there is a safe medical pathway for my illness But it would not be so I wish,...