Breakthrough Prayer 9pm GMT Saturday 29th January 2011

I place my heart I place my body I place my hope I place my hurt All in You Lord I ask for a miracle knowing miracles will be sent I trust in You and I thank You with all my being Amen Lord, we believe in miracles and so we ask today for miracles, trusting that you hear us. We ask for the miracle of truth, that the MRC funding, recently announced for biomedical research, will truly be awarded to genuine biomedical research by clinicans seeking the physical causes underlying ME and will not be highjacked by the psychiatric lobby for pseudo-science. We pray that the Government Minister will act with integrity regarding Professor Hooper's letter of complaint against the MRC and that all the concerns raised in his letter will be acknowledged and rectified, so that the lives of people with ME will finally be treated with the honour they deserve and a miracle of proper biomedical tests, treatments and Consultants, who respect us, will fol...