
Showing posts from January, 2011

Breakthrough Prayer 9pm GMT Saturday 29th January 2011

I place my heart I place my body I place my hope I place my hurt All in You Lord I ask for a miracle knowing miracles will be sent I trust in You and I thank You with all my being Amen Lord, we believe in miracles and so we ask today for miracles, trusting that you hear us. We ask for the miracle of truth, that the MRC funding, recently announced for biomedical research, will truly be awarded to genuine biomedical research by clinicans seeking the physical causes underlying ME and will not be highjacked by the psychiatric lobby for pseudo-science. We pray that the Government Minister will act with integrity regarding  Professor Hooper's letter of complaint against the MRC  and that all the concerns raised in his  letter  will be acknowledged and rectified, so that the lives of people with ME will finally be treated with the honour they deserve and a miracle of proper biomedical tests, treatments and Consultants, who respect us, will follow. Amen Ple

Undone Things

Undone things Our losses are so many that they stack up fall over and are lost for all time. Too many missed moments to remember weep and grieve over Too many undone things. The loss is ever-present an ongoing thread of our existence for that is all we manage to do to exist moment to moment hour to hour day to day trying to live in the mystery of our love which binds us together and heals all wounds. Linda Crowhurst

The Rat

The Rat appeared on the bird table; outside the kitchen window. Only yesterday I had pointed out two Robin Redbreasts there;   I was far  too slow though  with the camera. Bang : in the car !! Seaside.   Hardware store. Rat trap in hand , I am making my way home. It was only much later, my wife lying in agony, not knowing  how to get through the day, she cannot bear much more, that I thought about all those families. It was  a Sunday  A dad with his kids discussing football. This couple, arm in arm hurrying to the pub , someone saying oh look there's a fire in there. Sunday lunch time smell. Passing the restaurant window by myself. Gulls and the tang of salt. The darkened room, my wife, the silence, the pain. I was thinking about how  I take it for granted now; all the losses, all the Sundays we miss out on; what others call normal  life. What we call survival, coping, drenched in tears. Intense anger welled up in me. There's more than rats outside my window.  I

Breakthrough Prayer 9pm GMT Saturday 22nd January 2011

Take time to be still and find me. Reach into the stillness of my love. Let it fill you. Let your heart say Yes to me , endlessly Yes. In that Yes we can work wonders In that Yes all things are possible Be Bold Come find me In the power of that Yes Fill me with Joy. Take the step that leads to me, Only say Yes And find me Today we pray for all people who are struggling; may they find God's presence with them. May they open their heart to receive His blessing in their lives As we say Yes to the absolute Power of Love in our lives, may we feel Love respond with healing, hope and miracles. For all who are ill, may they find comfort and strength. For all who are struggling, especially with financial worries and debt, may they find help. For all who are isolated and alone may they find hope For all in need, may their needs be met. We ask in faith Lord graciously hear us. We have a new Prayer Request notice board, where specific prayer requests can be placed for us al

Gritted teeth

..I couldn't pray all the words of the Breakthrough Prayer last night; how can I say God loves us, when my wife is still in agony- still  after  18 years-  and how her life is reduced to nothing ? How can I pray for strength as a carer, when I don't want to be one - have never wanted to be one and cannot bear to contemplate this being my life forever ? It took me to near midnight to read the prayer, through gritted teeth. I read once that if Christians really believed what they preach, that they would most likely  be far too worn-out, exhausted , to do much more than stagger into  church on their dirt-encrusted , ragged hands and knees and utter more than a few words. I am very, very tired. There is so much I want to do, so frustratingly little that I can achieve in reality. Everything I do is done at huge cost to my wife, whose suffering is immense;  to myself, who is trying to cope, not least with my self and to our relationship. You tread such a fine line between cop

Breakthrough Prayer 9pm GMT Saturday 15th January 2011

Lord we ask you for justice, long overdue. We ask that there be a new NHS vision based upon biomedical knowledge for people with ME. We ask that the White Paper on NHS Choice be the catalyst for change and proper medical treament for people with ME.We ask that as many people as possible submit a response, this weekend , while there is still time. ( To make a response please visit We ask this in faith and trust and mercy, knowing that nothing is impossible for you. The Breakthrough Prayer  by Theresa and Pauline God our Father, we love you and know you love us. Today with one voice we beseech you to help us in our suffering. May we bathe in the light of your love and healing, giving us strength to get through each day. By the power of your Holy Spirit uplift our carers and lighten their heavy load in dealing with this unrelenting illness and their own despair. Enfold in your special love, those who live alone enduring further isolation and loneliness.

Now is the Time : Stonebird Response

These are the comments we have added to the Now is the Time document  :   in response to  The Government's White Paper, Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS : Stonebird’s   response : Q2. Which healthcare services should be our priorities for introducing choice of any willing   provider? Myalgic Encephalomyelitis should be a primary concern, It needs to be honestly separated from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome services, which are primarily mental health services, offering inappropriate and dangerous interventions for people with the neurological disease, ME. People with ME should not be treated at CFS clinics; there should be no pretence that a CFS service is a service for people with ME. For there to be any choice at all, new biomedical services need to be created for people with ME and the truth that ME is a neurological disease with physiological dysfunction needs to be disseminated throughout the NHS. Q4. What would help more people to have more choice over where the

Now is the Time : to say what choices you want.

Now is the Time : to say what choices you want. Greg Crowhurst Jan 10th 2011 PLEASE REPOST WIDELY The Government's White Paper,  Equity and Excellence: liberating the NHS  sets out proposals which envisage a presumption of greater choice and control over care and treatment, choice of treatment and healthcare provider becoming the reality in the vast majority of NHS-funded services by no later than 2013/14. In other words this  is a rare opportunity  for people with ME to give an account of what choices they want to have. Stonebird is proud to have been a participant in  drafting “ Now is the Time , to say what Choices you want” , a comprehensive  reply to the White Paper ,   “written by patients for patients”, especially people with Severe ME.  " Now is the Time "   asserts the views concerns ,  bio medical needs and choices that  people with ME  want , not only in diagnosis,  but right  across the board, including treatment, and social care. " Now is the

Breakthrough Prayer 9pm GMT Saturday 8th December

Jan 8th 2011 The most wonderful thing about the Light of Life is that it cannot be diminished, vanquished or extinguished because it comes from God. No darkness or evil can obliterate it. darkness cannot take it away. Wat an incredible thing to know with absolute certainty that our gift of life is a gift of Light from God and it will always shine. This is the truth and this is the promise given by Our Lord. With this in mind we give joyful thanks that our prayer, that Dr Sarah Myhill be reinstated, has been answered, in the most stunning turnaround, this week ! Justice and truth have once again triumphed ! We pray : Lord in Your Mercy tenderly heal me Lord fill me with Your Holy Peace not of this world Lord bless me with Your healing Presence restore me to full health Lord strengthen me with the Power of Your Spirit ease the burdens that I carry Lord comfort me with the Truth of Your Love May all Mercy be received. Let our lights all unite in Him; let us sing as one voice of


Even after a night's sleep, I am ablaze ! Heard yesterday  about the  attitude of a medical  Consultant who so cruelly and casually dismissed a child with heart goes out to that child and to her mother. No words can describe the shock, the hurt, the pain when you encounter, as most of us do, the  dumbness,   empty-headedness, half-knowledge,   illiteracy,   incapacity and  incomprehension of ME,  which  runs rampant in medicine  . All you can do is pick yourself up and continue fighting. Setbacks can have  a terrific slingshot effect, channeling one's  despair into action. For when it comes down to it, that Consultant has absolutely no rational  basis upon which to defend his actions. Truth is firmly on our side and the brave act of placing the overwhelming biomedical  truth of ME down  on the table,  will just  blow his  complacency away : that , at least has been my experience, using the formal complaint process, to change things here in Norfolk. Our latest arti

The Dark Side of Medicine

The Dark Side of Medicine Greg Crowhurst 03/01/11 ( permission to repost ) In early December last year, the German Psychiatric Association (DGPPN), 65 years after the end of the Third Reich, finally apologised for the crimes committed by psychiatrists during the era of National Socialism. The original article can be found here . In the article, English translation here ,  DGPPN president Frank Schneider admits  that  : “T his darkest part of our history has been shunned and repressed much too long.   A Professor Gerhardt Schmidt, for example, head of psychiatry in Lübeck, Germany, who directly after 1945 came to a clinic where patients starved to death, meaning they were killed,  wrote a very outright book about these conditions. However  Schmidt was not able to publish his book for 20 years because, according to the DGPPN, “ he was facing a Mafia of psychiatrists who didn’t want anybody to foul their nest. In the 1980s it was a moment of glory in our association to award him

Breakthrough Prayer 9pm GMT Saturday 1st January 2011

Breakthrough Prayer 9pm GMT  Saturday 1st January  2011 To pray in the name of Jesus Christ is to Pray in the Power of Truth and Mercy and that is to pray in the Goodness that is the Heart of Love, the Holy Trinity. It is to touch all healing, all love, all that is healed ;  therefore your prayer is already answered and touched by that same power, which is the Life of Christ and the Light of Life. It is Joy complete and utter presence of God.. It is to be truly present with all that is and thus to know with absolute certainty that your prayer is known, heard and answered, all in that moment of praying, for that is the meaning of Mercy; of Christ's death and Resurrection. It is the completion of healing, the Oneness of Love. It is Truth and it is completely and totally Life evermore. The Breakthrough Prayer by Theresa and Pauline God our Father, we love you and know you love us. Today with one voice we beseech you to help us in our suffering. May we bathe in the light of your

Into battle !

There's web-designers who cut & paste and there's those who hand-code everything. I take great pride in the latter; in a  way there is something almost medieval about HTML ; it  gives me great pleasure, I don't know why. It is with the quiet glow of the craftsman at work,   that I upload a correctly-coded, working  page to Stonebird. Not so last night. We have a 17 year old book in which every New Year's Eve, we write down our reflections on the past year; we began it when we first got married. My contribution last night roared with fighting talk; for I was wild, having just coded and  posted Kevin Short's lengthy Zombie Science and the Non-Random UK 'CFS/ME' PACE Trial . It's on the right hand side of ,  under"Essential Reading". I mean : take the way that these lies are portrayed as a fact : GET manual Page 23 - "The more severely disabled group of CFS/ME patients were excluded from previous studie