SOME WAYS THE CARER CAN CARE FOR THEMSELVES 1. Take a few moments at least, at the beginning of the day, to centre yourself and be still, to prepare for the day ahead. 2.Do not overload yourself nor rush things; that is when mistakes get made and you can end up feeling bad about yourself and hassled generally. 3. Do not over extend yourself, trying to please too many people and not looking after yourself as a consequence. 4. Learn to be assertive in a gentle, kind way. 5.Find things that you can enjoy in appropriate ways that do not cause problems for the person you are helping. 6.Be creative in how you can do things in new ways, don’t be too rigid or expect more than is possible of yourself or the other person. 7.Look for the small things that bring happiness. 8.Appreciate yourself. 9. Appreciate other people. 10. Acknowledge what is going on inside, do not just shut down or not deal with feelings that are uncomfortable to deal with. 11. Become more aware of the simple things in li