HOW TO BE ASSERTIVE IN ARTICULATING YOUR NEEDS. Linda faces major medical challenges this year, it is incredibly difficult working out how to convey her complex issues and needs to professionals so that they comprehend what she needs to keep her safe. It is so important that we do this, for the terrifying consequences, if they get anything, I stress “anything at all”, wrong are potentially life threatening or will trigger unimaginable suffering and deterioration.. We have to find some way to articulate what, let’s face it, is beyond incomprehensible to most people. I know we have done it before and we will do it again, only this time the stakes are much, much higher. This is bigger than anything we have ever faced. There is zero room for misunderstanding ahead, so it’s really serious. Day and night all of this is constantly on my mind. The stress, right now, is huge. Anyway, I was listening to the “Today” program this morning on Radio 4 and they had an airline executive on. He said som...