The Agony & the Isolation

I feel so low So small So dark Yet so huge So vast and swollen, By numbness, Pain, Paralysis Pushing me outward, Toward the void I cannot feel myself I cannot be myself I am no longer who I am. I am stuck to the floor, to the chair, My limbs are stuck to each other. There is just separation. There is just emptiness. There is just agony. There is just nothing. I am disappearing by degrees Each time it comes. It is an intolerable, physical assault On my being. I find I can no longer bear even less than I used to bear Yet more, somehow, even so, because it keeps adding on and adding on; The thousands and thousands of times Over all the months, the years, the decades. Continually adding up Greater and greater still, Along with the denial The unhelpfulness The negation The neglect The abandonment The harm The ignorance The cruelty and the impossibility of it all. Yet still I am left struggling Not really knowing how to bear it, Not really knowing the best way through it, Not even knowing...