A testimony by Jill Mclaughlin to the CFSAC

My name is Jill McLaughlin. I have been involved in advocacy for 15 years and have worked with many patient groups and organizations. I would like to address the ongoing issue of diagnosis and terminology. This is a CFS committee, yet has included ME and ME/CFS. However, ME patients do NOT want their illness to be called CFS or changed to ME/CFS. These CFS / CFIDS / “ME/CFS” groups continue to promote the association, ostensibly to make CFS sound more serious. These groups have no right or mandate to represent or speak for ME patients, even though they may claim to, and collectively have too few members to presume such a thing. ME is a stand alone dx. We do not need two names. ME is a neurological illness based on CNS dysfunction. Fatigue has no more to do with ME than it does with AIDS, MS or cancer. ME is a testable dx of inclusion, with signs and objectively measurable pathology. CFS is an unexplained, un-testable, heterogeneous dx of exclusion. Not the same. Contrary to w...