I Have Learned What is True.
Severely Affected does not mean you have Severe ME, this is so important. Severe ME is serious multi-system dysfunction. In our two decades of experience, we have never known anyone recover, or go from Severe to Moderate. We are greatly concerned about an increasing number of stories claiming "recovery, which, to us, have more to with poor definition and criteria used, rather than the unlikely reality of profound physical dysfunction getting better, for no reason. This poem, written by Linda, who has Very Severe ME, confronts, head-on, the pernicious, dangerous notion that "if only" they are brave enough, think the right thoughts, have enough will power, are positive enough, a Severe ME patient, with the help of a therapist, will "get well". I cannot deny my physical reality, The severe and serious nature of my illness, Just because others who do not experience it themselves, can so easily and wrongly do, for me. I cannot deny the total consta