Book Release


Announcing the release of :

Care for Someone with Severe ME
by Greg Crowhurst RNLD, PgDIP, MA

With contributions  from:

Simon Lawrence
Martin Walker
Dr Mary Schweizer
Dr Raymond Perrin
Catherine Ashenfelter

Available to read for free online or to
download as an ebook, price £2.99.

(Please note : the book will be out in  paperback soon)

Blog (Story of the Book) :

"Greg has made a very clear stand in writing this book which really highlights what it is actually like for someone to live every day with severe ME and also what it is like to care for someone every day with severe ME and the reality of coping with a disease that is very rarely recognised or taken as seriously as it ought to be.
I would like to thank Greg and Linda who, in the midst of their ongoing struggles, have taken the time to produce  an insightful book about the reality of living with severe ME."
Simon Lawrence,
25% ME Group
"If you want to know about the reality of ME, in all its aspects, if you want to understand the environment in which ME grows and its sufferers are persecuted, read this Handbook.  Greg Crowhurst’s book is of immense value, it’s a holistic book, a total book which looks at ME from the focused pinpoint of the sufferer while rising above the immediate physical problem to reconnoitre the surrounding landscape.
In following the book’s arguments no sufferer will be cured, no carer relieved of the medical or moral duty to care, but at least those sufferers who can campaign, those carers who do still hope and stand at their posts, will be able to engage with those who stand in their path and hopefully will not be victims of the roadside bombs and false obstructions engineered by the terrorists of obfuscation hiding in the medical and psychiatric professions."

Martin Walker, author of SKEWED: Psychiatric Hegemony and the Manufacture of Mental Illness in Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Gulf War Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


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