Greg Crowhurst (Published in the latest edition of MCS Aware Magazine) A life well lived; that is how I look back on the last 25 years, the quarter of a century I have spent caring for my profoundly ill and disabled wife. It’s a long, long time, those prime years that I might have devoted to building a career, or the training business I freely chose to give up to embrace the anonymous, impoverished path of the full time carer. Those years have not been ones of status, influence, wealth, power, but, in terms of what counts at the end of the day, they have been fruitful years of learning about how to be truly real, truly present, fully alive, for which I am deeply grateful. Being touched profoundly by love, learning how to face and overcome numerous fears and obstacles, growing immeasurably as a husband, as a man, tasting a freedom so real my heart would burst, surely this is what a life well lived is about? The process of being a ca...