I was reflecting recently on what makes a good carer, it struck me that it comes down to a willingness to listen! The person will tell you all you need to know, if you have ears to hear- sadly many times I have not fully heard my wife, Linda, not read the signs properly, misinterpreted the situation, always with unfortunate and sometimes painful consequences. By profession, I trained as a Registered Nurse, yet I recorded, soon after my wife became ill with Severe ME : “ The fact is I find myself in a situation where my use of a Nursing Process model has served, to my dismay and horror, to highlight how much my own thinking and practice has been locked into a set way of operating. Being a nurse, caring for my wife in our home, means I find myself in a situation, more complex than a professional work setting, where the roles and boundaries are much more explicit. ” We exist on a delicate, difficult knife-edge here, of treacherous life-destroying, ravenous suffering, where ev...