Formation of a Breakthrough Prayer Circle

It has been suggested that we form a Breakthrough Prayer Circle, for anyone who wants to join in, on Saturday 2 October at 9pm  BST. For anyone who feels too ill, or too stressed,   to pray the prayer themselves, please just click onto this  Video of Linda praying it :

 The Breakthrough Prayer

by Theresa and Pauline

God our Father, we love you and know you love us. Today with one voice we beseech you to help us in our suffering.

May we bathe in the light of your love and healing, giving us strength to get through each day. By the power of your Holy Spirit uplift our carers and lighten their heavy load in dealing with this unrelenting illness and their own despair.

Enfold in your special love, those who live alone enduring further isolation and loneliness. Dearest Father we pray fervently for a major medical breakthrough in ME.

Bring your Divine inspiration to the researchers of this terrible disease, which is sweeping across your beloved earth .

May the mountain of ME be removed and thrown into the sea.

Through our faith we trust and thank you , in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, Our Lord. Amen.


Theresa, one of the author's of the Breakthrough Prayer explains how this very powerful  prayer came to be written :

it "all came about as I was contemplating the plight of children struck down with M.E.and the horror faced by their parents, struggling to keep them out of psychiatric units; sometimes forced to leave the area and find refuge in safer counties where better understanding through a sympathetic pediatrician might be found.So I phoned my friend Pauline and the prayer came into being."

The first Breakthrough Prayer was prayed in 2001.



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