Breakthrough Prayer 9pm GMT Saturday 5th February 2011

Jan 29th 2011

Snowball Prayer
Tonight we pray for small victories in spreading the truth of ME, as serious neurological disease, with multi-system dysfunction.

If we can just educate one person at a time, that will be an achievement and then they might educate someone else. If you can imagine the impact being like a snowball, rolling down a hill, from the summit of truth, getting bigger and bigger, including more and more people as it rolls.

We give thanks especially for the recent Parliamentary Debate on ME, led by Ian Swales MP for Redcar and his accurate presentation on what it is like to have ME.

Until ME is separated from CFS and the psychosocial lobby, people with ME will not be truly represented.

We must pray most powerfully for this separation so that people with ME can gain the respect that is so much needed and owed them. As we pray the Breakthrough Prayer tonight, we ask specifically for truth and justice.

The Breakthrough Prayer by Theresa and Pauline

God our Father, we love you and know you love us. Today with one voice we beseech you to help us in our suffering.

May we bathe in the light of your love and healing, giving us strength to get through each day. By the power of your Holy Spirit uplift our carers and lighten their heavy load in dealing with this unrelenting illness and their own despair.

Enfold in your special love, those who live alone enduring further isolation and loneliness. Dearest Father we pray fervently for a major medical breakthrough in ME.

Bring your Divine inspiration to the researchers of this terrible disease, which is sweeping across your beloved earth .

May the mountain of ME be removed and thrown into the sea.

Through our faith we trust and thank you , in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, Our Lord. Amen.


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