Help Karina - please , please write to the Danish Ambassador

Her Excellency Ms Anne Hedensted Steffensen
The Danish Ambassador
Embassy of Denmark
55 Sloane Street
London SW1X 9SR
Dear Ambassador
I am very concerned to read that the Danish Board of Health plans to commit to a psychiatric hospital Karina Hansen, a 23 year old woman from Holstebro Denmark, who is seriously ill with ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis).
Ms Hansen is bed-bound, unable to tolerate minimal light or sound and is too weak to talk.  She is so ill that any attempt to move her could prove fatal.
ME is not a psychiatric illness. The World Health Organisation has recognised it as a neurological disease since 1969 and it is classified as such in its International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision ICD 10 - G93.3
I would therefore be most grateful if Your Excellency would convey my concern to the Danish Board of Health and urge them to act on the recommendations of the Danish ME expert Dr Isager and Ms Hansen’s family doctor regarding her future treatment.
Believe me, My dear Ambassador
Yours sincerely


  1. Will write. Feel so desperately sorry for Karina and her family. A terrible ordeal that I hope she survives.xx


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