Crossing a line
The psychiatric lobby have crossed a line. They are now vacuously declaring in the Lancet that the "most severely ill patients might need even more intensive (psychiatric ) treatment."
There are no words strong enough to describe how terribly dangerous their ghastly propaganda is and what a real threat it poses.
The photo was taken yesterday afternoon. The quote is from the new book. journals/lanpsy/article/ PIIS2215-0366%2815%2900233-3/ fulltext
There are no words strong enough to describe how terribly dangerous their ghastly propaganda is and what a real threat it poses.
The photo was taken yesterday afternoon. The quote is from the new book.
It might be a last gasp - seems even Weasley himself can tell which way the wind is blowing and has changed his tune. See his comments at the bottom here.
Best to you, Greg, in getting the new book together!