Severe ME is a hellish experience that you live and endure without treatment, cure or respect. Severe ME is not knowing how to cope from minute to minute, moment to moment. Severe ME is being tormented by people doing ordinary things. Severe ME is brutal and cruel paralysis. Severe ME is being totally ill, all the time. Severe ME is being unable to read. Severe ME is being unable to hold anything. Severe ME is falling over regularly. Severe ME is your mind not working. Severe ME is being unable to speak on the phone. Severe ME is being unable to tolerate two-way conversation or anyone in the room at all. Severe ME is finding that going to bed makes you feel even more ill. Severe ME is discovering that there is no possibility of rest, ever. Severe ME is being unable to see anybody because they make you more ill, because you are so hypersensitive. Severe ME is not knowing what to eat that won't hurt you. Severe ME is being neglected by the Health Service. Severe...