We Say No MORE !!!

We Say No MORE to psychiatric abuse and misinterpretation.
We Say No MORE to ME and CFS being equated as the same.
We Say No MORE to the Oxford Definition and Fukuda definition being used to identify fatigue patients as having ME.
We Say No MORE to the mislabelling of ME as Opathy, CF, CFS/ME or even ME/CFS.
We Say No MORE to the psychosocial pathway for ME.
We Say No MORE to generalised fatigue being described as the primary symptom for ME.
We Say No MORE to misrepresentation.
We Say No MORE to misinterpretation.
We Say No MORE to the wrong education of practitioners.
We Say No MORE to ignorance.
We Say No MORE to the psychiatric domination of our biomedical, neurological, physical disease..
We Say No MORE to the denial of its many and complex symptoms.
We Say No MORE to not listening to us.
We Say No MORE to preset psychiatric agendas.
We Say No MORE to biopsychosocial misdirection.
We Say No MORE to the twisting of the truth about ME.
We Say No MORE to media bias.
We Say No MORE to the popular cultural myths about ME.
We Say No MORE to compromised ME organisations.
We Say No MORE to compromised media.
We Say No MORE to the power of vested interests to manipulate.
We Say No MORE to the pretence of working for and with people with ME while actually offering a fatigue service.
We Say No MORE the burying of the truth.
We Say No MORE to being off the radar.
We Say No MORE to hypocrisy.
We Say No MORE to not looking for what is physically wrong with people.
We Say No MORE to denial.
We Say No MORE to compromising the truth of ME to get funding, power, or for personal ego or political manipulation.
We Say No MORE to complicity.
We Say No MORE to not speaking up.
We Say No to mistreatment of ME.
We Say No MORE to biomedical neglect.
We Say No MORE to the lie that are you are going to get better with no proper physical biomedical treatment or input.
We Say No MORE to the blurring of boundaries between ME and other illnesses.
We Say No MORE to the bias in medical journals toward fatigue.
We Say No MORE to the psychiatric bias in the nursing profession.
We Say No MORE to the biased peer review systems.
We Say No MORE to the biased Influence of psychiatry .
We Say No MORE to the continual twisting of the truth by allowing the wrong people to represent the illness.
We Say No MORE to the inaccuracy with which ME is portrayed.
We Say No MORE to the endangerment of health that is has been going on for decades.
We Say No MORE to people dying from ME.
We Say No MORE to people getting away with saying they believe ME is psychiatric.
We Say No MORE to the misuse of the word “ME”.
We Demand that: ME be removed from a sea of fatigue conditions and psychiatric mental health issues.
We Demand that : Proper diagnosis and treatment is provided for everyone in the correct category
We Demand that: ME be given the respect of the unique neurological disease it is.
We Demand that: Practitioners stop treating ME the same as any Fatigue illness, it is not a fatigue illness, it is a serious, potentially life-threatening neurological disease.
We Demand that: The misdiagnosis, mistreatment, generalisations, the fundamental denial of the unique difference that ME is a neurological multi system disease, stops.
We Demand that: Fatigue practitioners are not awarded any funding for ME research.
We Demand that: ME is only researched using the correct ICC criteria.
We Fight for justice.
We Speak the Truth.


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